Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Write Write Write

 I'm pretty sure I've made a mention here or there that I am writing a novel. I've been writing this novel for about seven years. Many of my friends know of this novel. I haven't kept it a secret even though I haven't let very many people read it.

I have no delusions of grandeur, I'm no JK Rowling or George RR Martin. I have a lot of weakness in my writing. Why do I write then? Simply because I can. I enjoy writing. Ever since I believe late elementary school or early middle school I had story ideas. Many of early story ideas I would try and incorporate all my friends as characters and create some far off space adventure for them.

In high school I was part of the Literary magazine. My focus then was more on poetry. I felt that I didn't have the attention span to write a novel. I also didn't feel that I was good enough in the grammar department to really write. My high school creative writing teacher told me that my strength was that when I write the reader pictures the surrounding, but I also allow the reader to use their imagination to have fun.

Now my current idea. It would be put in the paranormal romance genre. My friends are like so like Twilight. ::dying inside:: I assume Twilight is considered paranormal romance, but it's marketed as a young adult novel. But yes, I always begrudgingly say yes, like Twilight.

My friends next sentence is usually without fail: I wish I could write, but my story ideas aren't original.

Trust me, neither is mine.

The truth of the matter is that if you thought of it, someone else has too. I have a short story that probably would be put in a category like Dead Like Me. The Angel of Death story is pretty old and has been done countless times.

I tell my friends, who cares. If you have an idea, yes the gist of the matter probably has been done. But it's your story telling that's unique. Unless you completely plagiarize someone else's story, it's going to take on its own life.

Yes my universe has Native American shifters, vampires, werewolves, but it's not Twilight. My whole universe is different. Plus my vampires do not and will not ever sparkle.

Do I have a moment where I read a new paranormal romance and go OH NO ITS LIKE MY BOOK!

Yeah of course.

But then I continue reading and of course that author's world is different. Plot maybe the same, but its mine.

How many stories have you read where the heroine loves a man who she thinks wouldn't like her because she doesn't feel like she's pretty or hip or cool like Wonderbread?

Isn't that all romance novels?

It's our voice, our characters, and our universe that make it different.

Do I expect to be come the next Stephanie Meyer or Sherrilyn Kenyon.

Not at all. If I get published I'll be thrilled. If I sell 1 book I'd be on the roof. If I sell more than 1,000 I'd probably die from shock.

I'm probably not going to to National Novel Writing Month. I'm still working on this story. My best friend has put a deadline on me. She's tired of my two characters continuing their journey. She says finish it and her friend is going to help edit for me. Because I have had so many drafts over the years this story has grown and shifted.

So here's to writing! :D

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