Friday, January 18, 2013

Ultraman cosplay

I'm not going to too many conventions this year.  I'm only planning to go to Katsucon and Dragon*Con.  I'm actually a staff member at Katsucon.  I'm not dressing up, just being a grunt for the weekend.

Here's my first cosplay of the year.


I love Ultraman.  My father was stationed in Japan when I was a kid.  I remembered the show and I loved it.  I kind of forgot about Ultraman until I went to my first Otakon.  I found a plushie and I had all these feelings of joy looking at it.  I asked a few guys at the con, did they know who he was.  I couldn't remember and they told me, that's Ultraman.  So I rediscovered Ultraman.  I love him.  The shows are so corny and I absolutely <3 it. 

This is my third time doing Ultraman.  The first time I was like 17, I made it myself, but my sewing abilities suck.  So when I redid it I went with another gal.  Now she did a good job, but I wasn't happy with a few minor things. 

So I'm working with a new gal.  She seems really awesome. 

Now the biggest problem is the mask.  My first mask has disappeared.  But the huge problem was the fact that it was latex, it was hard to get on and off, and I couldn't breath. 
Now I was thinking well maybe I'll get a mask like the Power Ranger cosplayers get. 

Well I found one guy who everyone recommends Aniki.  He does really good work.  $450.  >.<  whew.  He's good and he's the best.  But that's a hella lot of money.
Found another studio LittleGiant in Indonesia.  He was better priced, but then I saw the shipping prices.  Holy cow.  Cheapest shipping would be $300. 
I have a good friend who is going to Indonesia, but he won't be back before Dragon*Con.  Bummer.

So I put a few feelers out there.  But I hate working with folks that have no reviews or have no experience.  So it may just be a leap of faith.  It's like do I shell out $450 for the real deal or pay $220 and experiment with my money.

Tough call.  Still deciding.

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